European Gin Brands, Reviews and Stories GinSquares

European Gin Tour 2020

Virtual European Gin Tour 2020

The Lockdown Year

Being unable to travel this year, I decided to virtual travel and explore my gin collection at the same time.  
I planned a route around Europe visiting the locations of distilleries of my favourite European gins, telling the stories of the brands and other interesting things I found whilst doing my research.

Let’s Gin Europe


Another epic #virtualgintour but this time, I’m off to Europe for a month. With many holiday plans shattered due to the pandemic, come with me and let’s go and explore the distilleries and destinations of some of my favourite European gins… all from the comfort of your sofa! Each day I will be somewhere new and have some interesting ditty to tell!

What will be most interesting is looking at the difference in styles of gin across Europe and how they are influenced by locality. There are new styles of gin that have emerged in southern Europe, with Spain leading the way, influenced by Mediterranean fruits and herbs, whilst we still see traditional styles coming from countries where genever originated. Native botanicals, food culture and base spirits make a gin unique and although we typically appreciate gins independently of each other, it’s going to be really interesting to look at them as a series and see how the styles and flavours change as I move around The Continent.

I’m setting off from Salcombe – drinking the suitably appropriate Start Point Gin, named after the lighthouse which marked the beginning of the Salcombe Fruit Schooners’ journeys to Europe. The fruits and spices they collected inspire this award-winning gin’s signature flavour.

Loads of piney juniper and warm, citrussy spices dominate in this gin – paired simply with a light tonic and some grapefruit.

The first part of this virtual tour is by sea. Check back tomorrow to see where I land.

Virtual European Gin Tour Stops

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